
Newlyweds Stress Over Wedding Photo Delivery

An exciting day turned into weeks of stress and anger for a newlywed. She paid a lot of money up front for wedding photos and items that go with them. But a Six On Your Side investigation into the photography company doesn't paint a pretty picture.
Shayla O'Brien didn't bring home her wedding photos in an album but on a flash drive and getting it took a Six On Your Side name drop. She said, "It was a huge ordeal and I don't think I would have got it if I wouldn't have said I was going to come to you guys, at Six On Your Side."
An Omaha freelance photographer working for Unveil Loft Wedding Photography based in Colorado feared the company would take legal action but finally agreed to release Shayla's wedding pictures, on a flash drive.
However Unveil Loft still owes Shayla an expensive album, wall display and other items as part of her prepaid $1,700 wedding photo package. The newlywed said, "Its been really stressful you know, we're trying to be newlyweds and enjoy this time together and its been nothing but stressand tears because of this."
Unveil Loft hires freelancers to photograph weddings and send digital proofs to the company based in Colorado which took payment from couples.
The Better Business Bureau gives Unveil Loft of Colorado an "F" rating due to several complaints of undelivered prepaid wedding photo packages. The company sent the BBB an email claiming its closed and filed bankruptcy.
Omaha Better Business Bureau President Jim Hegarty said, "The complaints are piling up and the problem is the company is not responding. So to just not do anything is what i find deplorable."
Emails from other brides tell of heartache over still undelivered pictures. Shayla O'Brien said, "There's tons of brides that are going through the same thing i am and they don't have their photos yet."
Obtaining her wedding pictures was hardly a snap so Shayla isn't hopeful of getting her complete prepaid wedding package from a photography company with a darkening background.
The claim of bankruptcy by Unveil Loft of Colorado can't be verified. The phone number for the company is disconnected and ouremail has not been answered.

Anyone still owed wedding packages should contact the better business bureau. Hopefully an agreement to release pictures can be worked out eventually.

